Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Let's try that again

A while ago, in a fit of paranoia, I took down dozens of posts from this blog. This is a 'rebeginning' of that blog.

Hi. I'm Brandon. I like to write and perform comedy. I have a strong background in improv, sketch, and standup. I'm in an ongoing process of acquiring a jack-of-all-trades educational background, while also having a crippling lack of ability to apply any of my expensive academic knowledge to anything particularly practical.

Meaning: I'm kind of useless for anything more than simple party tricks.

I suppose this post is a bit of a reintroduction to this blog, considering that for the last while, I've been taking a more off-the-grid approach to life in general. That's not to say that I've been living off The Grid; no, I quite like The Grid. But while most people have a give-and-take relationship with The Grid, up until fairly recently, I've just been in a 'take' relationship with The Grid. I spend a lot of time on the internet, but I avoid posting on social media and comment sections and things of that nature as much as realistically possible.

I suppose that all ends with me reopening this blog.

This blog is called Conversations With Imaginary People because I have severe and often crippling mental health problems and one of the manifestations of my unfortunate (but often funny) mental health is that I hear voices. I literally have conversations with imaginary people. I'm sure I'll poke fun at all of that later. But for now, I think that's all that's needed to get you up to speed.

Despite my complications, I feel like I have a pretty optimistic outlook on life, and my problems make for some pretty great comedic moments. I plan on sharing many of them.

I expect to be using this blog as an outlet for my innate desire to perform and entertain. Yes, I understand that no one is going to follow this blog on any consistent basis. But this still scratches that itch, so whatever.

Not every post will be centered around comedy - some might be kind of sad - but I will strive to make each post interesting. I used to tell my college improv group "You don't have to be funny; you just have to be interesting and often the humor will follow."

So I guess the big question is this:

"Why should I read your blog?" 

Well, I expect that it's going to be entertaining and be from a point of view that most people don't hear from - a severely mentally ill comedian-of-sorts who escaped a cult after lifelong "service" in order to do... nothing. I'm like a plot to a dark 90's sitcom. 

And everyone could use some entertainment in the form of a long, wordy, emotionally masturbatory personal blog, right? 

Plus, I've lost contact with a lot of people in my past that I'm still connected with on social media, and rather than message each of them personally to try to catch up, it's a lot easier and way less awkward (and pathetic) to just link them to my blog and they can read it if they want.

So with that, I declare this blog OPEN FOR BUSINESS!



  1. Hi, I think you're cute. Let's get married.

  2. Great writing! I love it and am super excited for more!!! (If you so choose ☺️)

  3. How do we sign up for notifications about new blog posts?
